eat more paint

I deface masterpieces so you don't have to.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Death of My New Laptop

This is a watercolor i did in highschool, which has nothing to do with celebrities or my laptop, but the girl has the look i had on my face when i 'did NOT drop' my recently deceased laptop.

She may not be much, she may not be that new, but she's all i got. She's my 17" powerbook, and she died a most painful death wednesday night, taking with her my latest and un-backed-up piece, "Britney Be-heads Kevin." Luckily, she is about to be born-again via the free AppleCare repair. And if you are reading this Apple, it's not because i dropped her, i never dropped her, ever, got that, me+drop+powerbook=never happened, EVER.

I am now left with a parapalegic imac (circa millenium) and leprosy-ridden older powerbook, neither of which has any interest in mustering the energy to run Photoshop or Painter, neither of which are fully paid off yet (much like my new broken powerbook that I did NOT drop, i.e. knock-off a couch when i stood up to stretch).

But have no fear, Apple should come to my rescue, shipping back a rejuvenated version of my titanium life-blood within two weeks. In the meantime, through much therapy and medication, I will prepare myself to redo my Brit-Kfed defaced masterpiece and create a "Lohan Holiday" ala Rockwell, which shall be posted here, come hell or harddrive, by 14 days from today (you figure it out, I was never good with remembering the "30 days past September" mnemonic). I promise, I swear, by God and Blog alike.


  • No laptop for you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:07 AM  

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